• Question: What is life like as a scientist?

    Asked by nathan to Sonia, Lizzie, Andrew, Nick on 20 Jun 2015. This question was also asked by 353artc45, Walleeee.
    • Photo: Elizabeth Kapasa

      Elizabeth Kapasa answered on 20 Jun 2015:

      I don’t really think of myself as strictly a scientist. I’m kind of a hybrid between and engineer and scientist and researcher (although my degree is in engineering). It is challenging but its part of what makes it enjoyable trying to solve problems and discover new things.

    • Photo: Andrew Phillips

      Andrew Phillips answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      Life as an engineer is awesome! I think life as a scientist would be pretty cool too, but not as amazing as engineering! People sometimes say that scientists work to understand things, while engineers work to understand things and then manipulate or build things to solve problems. It’s the last part that I really enjoy doing 🙂
